Thursday, August 18, 2011

Are you Happy?

(A collaborative project by H/34 & Meiklejohn Labs found via Alicia Parsons)

Love this!

So ironic that often the answer to "Do you want to be happy?" actually is no! Love that they've included that as an option too.

{Or is it just me who loves to wallow in unhappiness sometimes?  Sometimes misery really does love miserable company doesn't it!}

But, nice to get a reminder that happiness is often just around the corner from the choice to change your current circumstance.

If you'd like a regular reminder of this you can buy this great poster over at Blog:H34!

Enjoy making the most of what's left of the week!

Jones xx

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic poster, I like a bit of a wallow as well - keeps things balanced!



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